English Grammar | All Parts of Speech | Pronoun Assessment 1

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Question Text

Kinds of Pronoun

As you know, on our previous page Parts of Speech we have learned the definition of pronoun.
Before going into detail to learn the kinds of pronouns I would like to revise the definition of pronouns.

Definition of Pronoun

  •  A pronoun is a word that we use to replace a noun.
  •  In other words, we can say it is a word that is used instead of a noun. 
  •  We use pronouns to avoid the repetition of a noun.

Kinds of Pronoun

  1. Personal pronouns
  2. Reflexive pronouns
  3. Possessive pronouns
  4. Relative pronouns
  5. Demonstrative pronouns
  6. Definite pronouns
  7. Indefinite pronouns
  8. Interrogative pronouns
  9. Intensive pronouns
  10. Reciprocal pronouns

Personal pronoun

Definition: It is a small word that we use in place of a person or a proper noun to avoid repetition of a proper noun.

Examples: I, we, you, they, he, she, and it are examples of personal pronouns.

Types of personal pronouns:

Personal pronouns are of three types.

First-person pronouns: The pronouns that we use for talking to persons are first-person pronouns. I and we are first-person pronouns.

Second-person pronouns: The pronouns that we use for the person we talking to are second-person pronouns. You is an example of a second-person pronoun.

Third-person pronouns: The pronouns that we use for the names of persons we talking about are third-person pronouns.

Cases of Personal Pronouns

In the English language, there are three cases of personal pronouns. Students should understand their usage.

Nominative CasePossessive CaseObjective Case
1st PersonIMyMe, Mne
Second PersonYouYourYou
Third PersonHeHisHim

Reflexive Pronouns

Definition: When the subject and object of a verb are the same we use reflexive pronouns. We can get reflexive pronouns by adding “self” or “selves” at the end of personal pronouns. The examples of reflexive pronouns are here:

Personal PronounsReflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns example sentences

  • We enjoyed the trip ourselves.
  • I did my homework myself.
  • I did my homework myself.
  • Have you knitted your sweater yourself?
  • Have you knitted your sweater yourself?
  • They conducted a meeting themselves.
  • She made a cup of tea herself.

Possessive Pronouns

Definition: Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership or possession and possessive pronouns are different from possessive adjectives. The difference between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives will be discussed later in this article.


Personal PronounsPossessive Pronouns

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